For the past 2 weeks, Jimmy’s have been hosting loads of artists on their Instagram account from Northern String Quartet to local bands such as Larkins and solo artists like Jerry Williams. They’re announcing who’s up on the night that day so keep an eye on their socials for who’s up.
We’re starting a new weekly series this week hosting Feel Good Club on our platform to bring a weekly dose of positive news from around the city.
RCNQ – How to Bleach your Hair at Home
This sounds dangerous but it’s probably even worse if you do it with 0 professional help. We’ve all seen the terrible cuts that are happening as everyone’s stuck in isolation. Please don’t bleach on your hair if you don’t know what you’re doing. You’ll regret it. I promise you.
A Thousand Miles with Vanessa Carlton
Do-do-do-do-do-do… are you getting what I’m putting down there? Obviously watch this for that one song.
Full-Day of Workouts with Hero
There’s 5 different workouts throughout the day this Wed (and every day, really). And don’t worry, all the PTs are now safely at home in isolation, bringing the workouts from there.
LIVE Bongo’s Bingo
Ignore what your body is telling you that this will be shit. I promise you it is not. I don’t know how they’ve managed to recreate something that is usually great because there are 1,000 people calling you a dickhead when you’ve only got your mum to tell you that in your living room, but they have! Get a drink and involved.
Isolation Conversation with Sacha Lord: Will Nightlife Adapt to COVID-19?
We’ve managed to bag ourselves a LIVE interview with Greater Manchester Night Time Tzar (and co-founder of Parklife and WHP) Sacha Lord this Friday 3rd April from 2pm. We will be asking him all about the impact of Covid-19 on the city’s hospitality and culture industries as well as looking at his new initiative – United We Stream – a new (and free) streaming service for the city. There will also be the chance to ask him questions yourself.