Animated by Will Murphy, the film is narrated by Shaun Ryder who grew up in Little Hulton.
“It’s bizarre nobody’s made a movie about this, it’s fuckin’ waiting to be made”
Giving us all the answers, Bolton filmmaker Glenn Kitson has just released his latest work narrated by Happy Mondays frontman Shaun Ryder.
An ode to Salford, Shaun talks about the history of his hometown, with anecdotes to Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange and the history of the Catholic church.
Placing particular emphasis on the historic tale of the Sioux Nation, the tale takes an interesting turn as we discover more about the 100 native Americans who lived in 19th century Salford for a short while.
According to legend, the Native Americans settled in their teepees by the River Irwell for 6 months after appearing in the 1887 show Buffalo Bill’s Wild West.
Recreating wild west classic gunslinging scenes with their ‘cowboy’ cast members, the Siox were all members of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Circus when they settled in Salford.
It is thought that some of the Sioux were veterans of the iconic Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876 and were on the run in Europe from the US cavalry…
You can watch the film here…