Heritage Afternoon with the Hallé

- Hallé St Michaels

Building: The Halle
Location: Ancoats, Manchester
Architect: Stephenson Studio

Heritage Afternoon with the Hallé
Hallé St Michaels, 36-38 George Leigh St, Ancoats, Manchester M4 5DG
Sun 29th Sep, 2024
1pm - 3pm


Hallé St Peter’s welcome all for a family friendly heritage afternoon this month. Taking place in the Victoria Wood Hall, there will be a number of free activities to get involved with – including creating your own musical instrument, a new heritage trail indoors and a detective trail outside.

Between 1pm and 3pm on 29 August, pop into the Victoria Wood Hall for a short while or stay for the full two hours. The activities in the family heritage afternoon have been designed with children of primary school age in mind, but can be adapted for older or young children.

Complimentary soft and hot drinks will be available as well as some fruit and cakes for those needing a little afternoon pick me up.