Even though they sometimes get a bad rep, mostly due to Gamergate and all those people who play World of Warcraft for 5 weeks straight without eating or sleeping whilst wearing a nappy so they don’t need to leave their computer, video games have probably been a rather large part of most people’s childhood.
Even the coolest kid at school has a SNES or a Megadrive, and being able to shoot someone in the face in the quickest time during GoldenEye multiplayer usually set you aside as some sort of revered legend on the playground. Even my own mother, on holiday in Marbella in the early 90’s couldn’t put my Game Boy down while playing Tetris – completely ignoring any sort of parental duties in favour of putting blocks in little holes.
Well this August sees the return of Power Up! to the Museum of Science and Industry, with over 160 consoles on offer for you to get to grips with including some absolute classics, as well as a few forgotten gems.
There’s all the classics including Mario, Pacman, Ms Pacman, Pacman Jnr and Sonic, all playable for free if you can manage to wrestle the controllers off some snotty nosed little kid who doesn’t know what he’s doing. To avoid this Power Up! are providing 2 Adults Only evening sessions on Friday 18th and Friday 25th August so us adults can play in peace.
On top of this they are also peddling two workshops which you can book via their website. One of them looks at BASIC programming on vintage BBC Micro computers – which I already know how to do so will be passing on that one. The other is Chipmusic for beginners—making music on a Nintendo Game Boy which sounds bloody brilliant.
Friday 11th – 28th August 2017
Daily 90 minute sessions at 10.15, 12.00, 13.45 and 15.30
£5 individual, 90 minute session
£9 individual, half day pass (either morning or afternoon sessions)
£15 individual, full day pass
£10 Adult-only evening events
Evening, adult only sessions
Friday 18th and 25th August: 7pm–10pm
Museum of Science and Industry, Liverpool Rd, Manchester M3 4FP
0161 832 2244